Game Log 12/8/2008: No problem
This JV/Varsity doubleheader was so calm and smooth that I literally barely remember any of it. The JV game was a 15-pointer, the Varsity game far less close. JV went just hunky-dory. I started to notice my legs getting fatigued late in the game...just tired muscles that didn't want to move when I told them to move. But I hung in there.
I must have gotten a second wind during the Varsity game because I could move again sometime in the second half. I looked up at the clock during the fourth quarter and kept saying to myself: "Seven more minutes of great reffing. Move your ass and stay alert." "Six more minutes of great reffing. Move your ass and stay alert." The losing team had one particular game-messer-upper (although we use a more colorful word than "messer") that kept pushing. I got her on a couple, and she got better. If anything, I started focusing to much on her and may have missed other stuff, but it was clear that the game called for her to get special attention. I also talked a lot to the post players, saying things like "Knock it off!" and even stepping onto the court for a stern "Stop it!" during dead balls. I think it worked better not to keep tooting the whistle for this game, which was approaching a 40-point blowout. Talking was better than whistling.
Partner thought I didn't do well on a shooting call. Hand got ball, but I thought all of the forearm also got all of the forearm. The bad news was that everyone in the joint heard leather. At halftime, partner asked me what I saw, and I told him. He then said "That's not what I saw..." But in the second half, I was lead and he was C and he called a similar call...but he couldn't have seen it since he was looking through the player's back. I had a clean block. Turnabout.
THINGS I DID WELL: Busted butt through to second wind, call selection was fine (only one or two I'd like back), eye contact.
THINGS TO WORK ON: Needed a second wind, might have overused talking technique
NEXT UP: Smallish school girls JV/Varsity tomorrow.
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